Monday, March 13, 2017

Indie Ville TV #127 Toran Turner –Nominated for Male Model

Written by Lillian Rhine

How long have you been a model?             
Well, I was the ugly duckling, which I thought through grade school. I was bullied because my enigma was different. I'm the black sheep in my community. At the age of 20 I became more accepting of my look and owned it ever since. So about 5 years now.

Was modeling and fashion something that always interested you?
I never in a million years thought  I'd pursue a modeling career.. but being a good person and believing in truth, love, and freedom in the path of healing friends family and the world, modeling is who I am naturally.  In every form and fashion.
I grew up wear hand-me-down clothes but would always up cycle them into new creations that fit my flow.

What is the most challenging thing about being a male model in the fashion world?
Well since I'm an UNISEX Model, so  it works out for me. Male or Female casting calls I attend both. And I'm bless to say I get more callbacks then turn downs now that I can transform into freedom naturally.

Who is your favorite model and why?
My favorite model is Aaliyah. She was known as a Singer-Model. Everything she did was natural and still able to be herself in anything she represented for. Being her own brand and image.

Do you prefer high-fashion or commercial print?
I love both but high fashion gives me more freedom to be the face of a new  creation of fashion trends.

What makes you tick?
My poised avatar energy and spirit. I turn heads in every environment. The peacekeeper.. the balance of human beings.

Tell us about your best modeling experience?
Honestly, this opportunity the IndieVille Awards is giving me the second time around. Last year I didn't win but to know my hard work is being seen around the city and then some. I'm forever grateful for this.

Do you have any advice for upcoming male models?
Enter your void. Be yourself. Don't over think and let go of your creation.

Choose one of the following topics and give a “top five”:  food, cities, bands, movies, games.
Top Five Foods:  Lasagna, Gumbo, Pot Stickers, Chicken Green Bean Casserole (Auntie Recipe), Grandma’s Turkey Dressing

Is being Toran Turner the model just a dream, a career, or a side gig?
It's a dream that I dreamt  of as child. Everything is like De ja vu now.
We at IndieVille TV would like to thank you for letting us get to know Toran Turner and congratulations on your nomination.

Instagram:  2ranUNLIMITED
Facebook:  2ranUnlimites
Snapchat:  Toranunlimited
Google Me:   "TORAN TURNER"

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